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July 31, 2011


Meg Salva

Hi Kris- I just stumbled upon this blog and am getting a kick out how much your story of doing this fast is like mine. I haven't started yet, but have the juicer and am experimenting in anticipation of my launch date of aug 15..too many parties and camping to do it sooner heheh. But you didn't finish writing about your last 5 days. Did you make it? Would love to know the details.
Thanks for your blog!
Meg Salva


Hi Meg! I have had a few difficult days but will post on my last couple of days. I didn't make it for 10 days, only 7, but I'm OK with it. Will post details! Thanks for your comment!

Ronnie C

Congrats on the decision to juice fast. Grat idea!

gibson dinnerware

How does a fennel juice tastes like? I've been hearing a lot about it so I just want to know.


@ gibson: Fennel tastes like licorice/anise. In the juice drink I made that included it, the anise taste was cut by the other veggies, but was still there, and very flavorful, I may add.


Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.

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