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December 28, 2011



I thought that there had been some historic proof of his birth, but have been catching your vibe lately of adding "if he even existed" -- I wondered when I'd get the whole story, now here it is. You make excellent points for his mental illness with your quotations., too. Now what about the Buddha? Is there a paper trail for him? I need a hero!


So what if he did not, in fact, exist? (Not that I'm a big Christian or any such thing). Assuming, arguendo, he did not, what effect do you think changing the narrative from a purportedly factual one to one of allegory has on the overall message of Christianity? Are you saying that if Jesus did not exist, or did not exist "as advertised", then all of his arguments, beliefs, exhortations, etc., are meaningless or without value? After your points about how the message of this religion was memorialized -- long after Ascension -- I got the impression you view the whole enterprise as one without value, so then isn't the existence, or lack thereof, of Chirst pretty much a meaningless footnote, something with no polemic import?


Mike, my main point is that once upon a time I thought that even if Jesus was not divine, he was still a great teacher, etc. I no longer think that, and this post simply expresses such. For a while I thought that Jesus, despite being "only" human was still worthy of my admiration. Now I'm not so sure. That is the only point I was making. Y'know, on a blog, sometimes ya just put out there what the fuck is on your mind. 'Cause maybe someone else out there will be able to relate.

If not, not. And in your case, i guess "not." Which is fine!


Just cause I posted a question doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading your blog; in fact ,the contrary is is true. I don't find it unusual at all that one might ask questions about something s/he reads and finds of interest. Please keep on bloggin';)!


Thanks Mike! I should do it a little oftener, though ... it's a New Year's resolution that so far has come to nothing. But I'm going to try.

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